&hint1=I am a 16th century portrait& &hint2=I was painted by Titian& &hint3=This portrait is characterized by broad, brushwork that builds up layers of brilliant oil glazes& &hint4=This portrait of a man who is remembered for initiating the idea of Venetian colorito painting& &choices=Danae;Pietro Aretino;Malagan tableau;Leo X with Cardinal Giulio de'Medici and Luigi de'Rossi;Charles V on Horseback at the Battle of Muhlberg;Tatanua Mask& &answer=Pietro Aretino& &search=Pietro Aretino Titian& &title=Pietro Aretino& &artist=Titian& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1540& &location=Palazo Pitti, Florence& &dimensions=3'2" x 2'6 1/4"&